Examples of great campaigns

It’s fun to get consumers into experiential marketing as it is a way to get the brand to stick in the consumer’s mind and world of purchasing. Yeah, that’s the goal. It is a memorable way to draw in consumers. Also, additional ways to keep consumers recalling and liking a brand or to test a brand is to use tools such as experiential marketing tours, experiential marketing vehicles, and experiential marketing services. With confidence in the product or service a great experience will get purchasers in and keep this with the right advertising, testing and experience. One can get started with event trailers, exhibit trailers or again the experiential trailer. Depending on the brand one can use experiential marketing to fit the brand and even go out of the box for whatever the situation would be. For example, mobile movie theater, mobile marketing tours, mobile marketing trailers and even brand activation agency avenues can be utilized with the technology at hand one brings in the consumers. One can picture and recall the Marshmallow Man marketing that coincided with the launch of that new Ghostbusters movie. This was great advertising and could be shared as this big Marshmallow was in a high traffic area, London’s Waterloo Station. “Passer-Byers” could take pictures and even selfies to share and upload to their social media. (Speak of free advertising.) This was back in 2016 and still considered brilliant as this naturally led to people with kids wanting to see the movie. So, many ways of experiential marketing in action hosted by the brand of Ghostbusters.

Even before Ghostbusters, one can go back to the Pepsi challenge ad campaign and most currently Lush and see experiential marketing. 45 years ago for the Pepsi challenge, there was no technical social media like today but it was still that experiential aspect. Think of car shows that sometimes offer the chance to book a test drive. One can usually book on-line which shows even more how today’s technology and social media has its place in the marketing world. From expandable event trailers, event marketing trailers, experiential event agency, mobile marketing vehicles, brand activation services, and mobile promotional vehicles all lead to the fact that today’s technology paired with any of these can lead to the best marketing and have an impact on consumers who stay with a brand. In short, at the core of experiential marketing is the consumer.

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